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DACHSER launches ‘Smart Landbridge Connect’ to speed Irish exports to Europe

By utilising the UK landbridge, enhanced flexibility, faster transit times, and more frequent departures are ensured compared to the ferry route option for Irish export traffic destined for the European market. This makes DACHSER Ireland the first major logistics provider to revert to the Pre-Brexit European service.

Thomas Hiemer is the new Chief Financial Officer at DACHSER

Thomas Hiemer became Chief Financial Officer (CFO) at logistics provider DACHSER on January 1, 2025. As a member of the Executive Board, he is responsible for Finance, Controlling, Tax & Treasury (FCT). Hiemer took over from DACHSER CEO Burkhard Eling, who had also headed this executive unit for the past 18 months. 

Chemical logistics is on the move - scenarios and outlook for Germany

The chemical industry is a key industry in Germany. It’s one of the largest sectors of the country’s economy and accounts for a major proportion of its exports. However, it’s also one of the sectors with very high energy requirements. Companies began developing strategies to replace fossil fuels even before the energy transition became necessary. However, Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine and the resulting loss of gas as a “bridge” energy source has increased the pressure to find alternatives that would make the German chemical industry sustainable. A study entitled “Chemical logistics on the move: Scenarios and outlook for Germany,” which was supported by DACHSER Chem Logistics, examines the impact of this development on the demand for chemical logistics.

Contract logistics capacity expanded at DACHSER UK

The new warehouse is located directly next to the logistics company's central domestic and international distribution hub, which operates all UK and European destinations on a daily basis. This provides customers in the UK with an integrated storage, inventory management and Europe-wide distribution.


DACHSER Great Britain

Exchange Rate

The £/Euro exchange rate as at 28th February at 1700 hrs was 1.2103 EUR to the Pound.

Fuel price

The average fuel price according to the RHA survey for February was 110.78 pence per litre. 

MAUT Rates

German MAUT including any country that transits through Germany – rate with effect from 1st January is 3.5%

Austrian MAUT including any country that transits through Austria – rate with effect from 1st January is 1.65%

Czech Republic MAUT including any country that transits through Czech Republic –rate with effect from 1st January is 1.5%

Hungarian MAUT including any country that transits through Hungary – rate with effect from 1st January is 1.75%

Danish MAUT including any country that transits through Denmark– new rate with effect from 1st January is 1.5%

Polish MAUT including any country that transits through Poland – new rate with effect from 1st January is 1.6%

Both present and future

Artificial intelligence is already an integral part of many applications. Researchers and developers are now working hard to find better ways of getting more out of foundation models.

Back in play

Four years ago, the UK left the European single market, and its trade relationship with the European Union had to be completely redefined. An unprecedented challenge, for which DACHSER has developed its own solution: Smart Border Connect.

The new DACHSER magazine is here!

When rising to meet new challenges, a future-proof company must adopt an agile and flexible mindset. That way, it can prove just how adaptable it is, time and again. You can read all about how DACHSER does just that in the latest issue of our magazine.

DACHSER completes acquisition of Brummer

The German-Austrian Brummer Group is now wholly owned by DACHSER and has become a part of DACHSER’s European network for the transport and storage of temperature-controlled food. This marks the beginning of Brummer’s full integration into the DACHSER network. Customers will benefit from uniform quality standards. 

DACHSER speeds up transport between UK and the EU

With its new customs service Smart Border Connect, the logistics provider DACHSER is giving British exporters smoother access to the EU market. The intelligent logistics solution simplifies and speeds up customs clearance and thus reduces export costs.

New Direct Daily Service to Italy from DACHSER UK

Foremost European groupage network operator introduces a direct daily service from the UK to Italy. Customers benefit from its long-term Italian partner becoming part of the DACHSER network following the recent acquisition of a controlling share of FERCAM’s groupage and contract logistics divisions.

DACHSER puts 15 electric trucks from Renault Trucks into operation

Renault Trucks and DACHSER are cooperating on the gradual decarbonization of road freight transport. In total, the logistics service provider is expanding its fleet by fifteen Renault Trucks vehicles. The all-electric trucks complete local and long-distance transport tours at seven DACHSER locations in Germany every weekday.

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DACHSER Corporate

DACHSER drives from Ireland to the European continent

DACHSER is utilizing its customs expertise and its leading European groupage network to introduce the new 'Smart Landbridge Connect' service. As before Brexit, the logistics provider is now once again driving from Ireland across the British landbridge to continental Europe. Compared to ferry connections, this route offers more flexibility, shorter transit times and more frequent departures. This makes DACHSER the first major logistics provider to revive this Pre-Brexit service.

DACHSER becomes logistics partner to Tafel Deutschland

Logistics provider DACHSER and Tafel Deutschland, an umbrella organization of food banks throughout Germany, have signed a cooperation agreement that will run until the end of 2027. As part of the collaboration, DACHSER will use the expertise and network of its Food Logistics business line to collect food donations from manufacturers and deliver them to the central distribution points of Tafel’s regional units.

"Things need to get moving now"

After the elections in Germany, companies expect planning security and reliability, but above all, they also expect quick and consistent action. Thoughts from DACHSER CEO Burkhard Eling.

More cargo space for emission-free long-distance transport

- Efficient and productive: New MAN e-trucks are suitable for trailers with greater interior height

- Electric fresh from the factory: Drivers from DACHSER locations throughout Germany collected their new MAN eTGX trucks directly from MAN in Munich

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Planning for Brexit - update

In the three years since the UK decided to leave the EU following the result of the referendum, there has been a lot of uncertainty and political manoeuvring as the UK and the EU have conducted their negotiations over the withdrawal agreement and the future relationship. Whilst the government and Parliament have stated consistently that they wish to avoid a no-deal Brexit that, however, remains the default legal position.

This is why, for some time now, DACHSER has adopted a coordinated and detailed approach to no-deal Brexit planning. A European-level Brexit Steering Committee comprises several senior managers and experts from the organisation’s specialist corporate divisions for Customs, Finance, Sales and European road network management, as well as the country management from the UK and Ireland. The objectives are focussed on ensuring that, in what could be a fraught and unpredictable trade and customs environment, DACHSER will be able to maintain its European services to its customers as efficiently as seamlessly as possible.

Relevant initiatives are underpinned by the company’s AEO status, its experience and flexibility in customs processes and procedures, and the strength, depth and adaptability of its European network.

We will be organising more updates on this crucial topic over the coming months, but, in the meantime, we have prepared a 'BREXIT Check List' guidance document, which highlights the practical steps that our customers and suppliers need to consider.

Fuel price

The average fuel price according to the RHA survey for February was 110.78 pence per litre. 

Current loading restrictions in Europe due to Covid-19

In the following you will find the current loading restrictions that apply to Europe (see download). Food transports are excluded from this.

With the free map of the software provider Sixfold, transport companies and truck drivers can view the current waiting times at European borders and make appropriate preparations if necessary:

EU Exit Update

With the recent updates and the new government campaign on the EU Exit, we at DACHSER wanted to inform you of some key points that have arisen that you may find relevant for your organisation.

While trade talks continue to progress slowly, the month of June presented the last opportunity for the UK Government to extend the transition period currently due to end on 31 December 2020.

The date passed with no request for an extension, and now the focus is on a phased introduction to customs controls in the UK as of 1 January 2021. The transition phase will allow traders to recover from the impact of COVID-19 and to prepare for the new requirements. The UK will be subject to full customs control at its borders by 1 July 2021.

Earlier this year, the UK Government took steps to remove certain customs easements, including Transitional Simplified Procedures (TSP), and Post VAT Accounting (PVA). However, they have reconsidered and understood there is a need for some customs easements to be in place.

As a result, we have seen the reintroduction of postponed VAT accounting and a new form of the import process to enable the importer of record to account for their shipments by creating an entry into their records. Further information on this process can be found on the GOV.UK website.

On 12 July 2020, the Government announced funding of £705 million to build border facilities, invest in new technology and to create 500 new jobs within the border force to give further development of the infrastructure in preparation to the EU exit. Within this amount, there is £50 million available to support with training and IT equipment to complete customs declarations which you may be able to benefit from.

There will be an EU Summit Meeting for final discussions between the UK and EU on 17-18 October 2020. Finally, on 19 October 2020, we should see the summary and conclusion of a deal or no-deal scenario. 

We should not lose sight that regardless of the outcome of these discussions, customs administration will be necessary on all goods entering and exiting the UK as of January 2021, albeit in a phased approach.

The UK Government have also announced ‘The UK’s new start: Let’s get going’ campaign which is designed to give everybody easy and quick access to information and actions that people and businesses need to take to prepare for the end of the transition period.

Download the full communication below that includes further useful links and information. 

DACHSER opens new branch office in the South West

As part of its ongoing expansion throughout the UK, DACHSER has opened a new office in Bristol. This new location provides direct connections to DACHSER’s entire European network for its customers located in the South West region.

Brexit: After the exit is before the exit

The UK has now officially left the European Union and Brexit has become a reality. But this is really just the beginning. A transition period until the end of the year is currently preventing any major impact on business and logistics on either side of the Channel. But what happens after that is still an open question.

ALDI & DACHSER extend their UK partnership

The two companies have signed a new 5 year contract which will see DACHSER provide a warehouse platform as well as UK & Ireland distribution services for a wide range of Aldi’s products.

Exchange Rate

The £/Euro exchange rate as at 28th February at 1700 hrs was 1.2103 EUR to the Pound.

New glass for Big Ben

From the Upper Palatinate to London: DACHSER delivers plate glass hand blown by glassworks Glashütte Lamberts to the UK. The destination of the safely packaged glass panes is none other than the world-famous Elizabeth Tower in London.

Incoterms 2020

A new version of the Incoterms will take effect on January 1, 2020, and will include a number of changes. The terms of delivery issued by the International Chamber of Commerce regulate essential buyer and seller obligations in international trade, such as transfer of goods to the buyer, transport costs, liability for loss of and damage to goods, and insurance costs.

With the adaptation of the Incoterms 2020 to current global trading practices, the new version is very up-to-date and practice oriented. The aim of the revision was to make the Incoterms clauses more user-friendly. For example, their presentation has been revised to make it easier for users to select the appropriate clause. In addition, the order of the clauses has been changed, and revised user instructions have been added to each clause.

In terms of contents, significant changes have been made to the Intercoms 2010, in particular the following:

  • Different coverage levels in CIF and CIP: As in the past, the seller is still obliged in the Incoterms 2020 to take out transport insurance at their own expense in clauses CIF (Cost Insurance Freight) and CIP (Carriage Insurance Paid). In contrast to the Incoterms 2010, however, the two clauses now provide for different minimum coverages. The minimum coverage to be observed when the CIF clause has been agreed remains unchanged. The transport insurance to be taken out by the seller must continue to at least correspond to the coverage in accordance with the (C) clauses of the Institute Cargo Clauses or similar clauses (insurance of named risks). If the CIP clause is agreed, the seller must now provide insurance coverage in accordance with the (A) clauses of the Institute Cargo Clauses (all-risk coverage). Both the CIF clause and the CIP clause allow the parties to the contract to agree on insurance coverage that differs from this.
  • Inclusion of security-related requirements: Security-related requirements for the transport of goods have now been included in Rules A 4 and A 7 of each Incoterms 2020 clause. As with other the Incoterms clauses, it should be noted that the Incoterms clauses only directly apply to the parties to the sales contract and are not the subject of the contract of carriage.
  • The Incoterms 2020 contain regulations for transporting with one’s own means of transport in FCA, Delivery at Place (DAP), Delivery at Place Unloaded (DPU), and Delivered Duty Paid (DDP).
  • For goods sold under the FCA (Free Carrier) clause and intended for sea transport (such as goods in containers), FCA is stipulating a new option in the future. The buyer and seller may agree that the buyer shall instruct its freight carrier to issue an on-board bill of lading to the seller after the goods have been loaded. At the same time, the seller is obliged to hand over this on-board bill of lading to the buyer. This is typically done through participating banks.
  • Renaming of DAT to DPU (Delivered at Place Unloaded). According to the Incoterms 2010 DAT clause, the seller delivered the goods as soon as they were unloaded from the means of transport at a “terminal.” However, according to the Incoterms 2010 application notes, the term “terminal” was not to be understood from a technical point of view but meant any unloading location. This fact was taken into account in the Incoterms 2020 by renaming the previous DAT clause to DPU (Delivered at Place Unloaded) for the sake of clarity. That means that in the future, any (agreed) place can be the place of destination.

The Incoterms apply between the parties of a (national or international) sales contract and address – but are not limited to – special rights and obligations within this contractual relationship. On the basis of a uniform definition guaranteed in this way, subsequent problems of interpretation or discrepancies between the parties to the sales contract are to be avoided. It should be noted that the Incoterms, due to their character as GT&C-like provisions, do not constitute statutory provisions and thus only become legally binding if they have been effectively agreed between the parties to the sales contract by means of a corresponding reference (for the Incoterms 2020, this is also possible before 1/1/2020). Irrespective of this, in individual cases conflicting statutory provisions still take precedence over an Incoterm clause.

The Incoterms were revised by 500 experts from more than 40 countries.The clauses are recognized worldwide and are in use in more than 30 different languages.
