The new DACHSER magazine is here!
Getting through the crisis together – How DACHSER is forging even closer ties to its customers and partners.

The global pandemic continues to pose major challenges for politics, business, and society. At the same time, the crisis throws one simple yet meaningful fact into sharp relief: the only way we can overcome these uncertain times is if we all pull together. Read the cover story in this new issue of the DACHSER magazine to find out how we have mastered the obstacles of the past few months in close cooperation with our customers and partners—from the lockdown and border closures in Europe to the worldwide transport of medical supplies and the supply of food to supermarkets. For details, turn to page 4.
But how will the coronavirus crisis affect our economy in the long term, and how will it change global flows of goods? Is the idea of locating production closer to sales markets enjoying a renaissance? Could the coronavirus even spell the end of globalisation? Starting on page 24, we take a look into the future—a future in which some things will probably change, although certainly not everything.
This issue also looks at how DACHSER balances the cross-Europe flows of an indispensable logistics tool: the pallet. In addition, we will visit the Malsch branch near Karlsruhe, which recently put a state-of-the-art hazardous materials warehouse into operation.
These and many more stories from the world of logistics, as well as a wealth of useful information, await you in the latest issue of the DACHSER magazine.
Your personal copy
Pick up your personal copy at your branch office, or download the PDF here. We hope that you enjoy reading the new issue of DACHSER magazine.