DACHSER ProFashional Box — assembly instructions
The innovative load carrier makes shipping hanging and folded garments worldwide extremely efficient via air. The ProFashional Box is specially optimized for unit load devices (ULD). The ProFashional Box offers you an innovative packaging solution that allows you to ship your goods cost-effectively while keeping them excellently protected. Simple handling, perfectly utilized space and reusability are qualities that need no further explanation. Another advantage is that all components of the load carrier are contained within the flat-packed, shipping-optimized box when sent empty.
The instructions below show you how to assemble and disassemble the ProFashional Box in just a few steps.

Step 1
The empty ProFashional Box is supplied folded, measuring 1,500 x 1,150 x 350 mm (approx. 0.60 cbm) and weighing approx. 35 kg. The box contains all the components in a sealed package.

Step 2–3
Open the box and set the lid, the PE cover, the cord, the front wall and the loose wooden struts to one side

Step 2–3
Open the box and set the lid, the PE cover, the cord, the front wall and the loose wooden struts to one side

Step 4–5
Take the main wall section (with the wooden struts), turn it to the left so that the wooden struts are facing inward, the horizontal struts are at the top and the perforated section is lying stably in the base of the pallet.
Step 4–5
Take the main wall section (with the wooden struts), turn it to the left so that the wooden struts are facing inward, the horizontal struts are at the top and the perforated section is lying stably in the base of the pallet.

Step 6–7
Take the wooden rods and place them on the prepared dowels. Begin loading by putting a hanger on the rod and then continue onto the cords (you should cut the cords to a corresponding length of approx. 60 cm). Place one or two clothes hangers on each knot (according to your GOH loading instructions) and stop just before the goods make contact with the floor.

Step 6–7
Take the wooden rods and place them on the prepared dowels. Begin loading by putting a hanger on the rod and then continue onto the cords (you should cut the cords to a corresponding length of approx. 60 cm). Place one or two clothes hangers on each knot (according to your GOH loading instructions) and stop just before the goods make contact with the floor.

Step 8–9
When you have finished loading all the rods (begin at the rear), you should also place the vertical struts upright in the center of the rods (a cutout is provided at the bottom) to increase the stability.

Step 8–9
When you have finished loading all the rods (begin at the rear), you should also place the vertical struts upright in the center of the rods (a cutout is provided at the bottom) to increase the stability.

Step 10–11
To completely seal the ProFashional Box, place the front wall in front of the open side and insert it into the base of the pallet. Seal the box with the lid and the PE cover to protect against rain and dust. Finally, use strapping to secure the box and call DACHSER to book transport.

Step 10–11
To completely seal the ProFashional Box, place the front wall in front of the open side and insert it into the base of the pallet. Seal the box with the lid and the PE cover to protect against rain and dust. Finally, use strapping to secure the box and call DACHSER to book transport.